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Europe's krystalespiral (1)

I can put my experience in Europe in two words: Time Traveling.

My first stop was Amsterdam. Here I felt the beauty of a city with an environmental and water management culture. Recycling stations, electric cars, people riding bicycles and non smelly natural water everywhere, filled my mind and heart with hope and joy.

I know our cities will eventually be like this in the future!

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, and is located in the province of North Holland. The river Amstelends in the city connects to a large number of canals, Amsterdam is about 2 metres (6.6 feet) below sea level and has more than 100 kilometres (60 miles) of canals. In this lovely city, I was received by a wonderful family: Tinka, Aurel, Amelie and Tavia. They inspired me deeply to understand different ways to practice emotional freedom. One of the methods is known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and works through the knowledge of the meridians and the power of intention. EFT, invites us to bring awareness to our emotions and give them the space to be released in connection with your body. Here you can find more info, I recommended it :D it has been helpful and it works for me!

Tinka also recommended a special therapy to me that involves a crystal tool called Guasha (Chinese: 刮痧). Guasha is a traditional Chinese medical treatment that releases unhealthy bodily matter to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow. This promotes metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery. I am using it to relieve tension from acupuncture points in my neck, shoulders, arms and legs. I apply pressure with the crystal on my body and it helps a lot. It also has been great to give myself a facial massage. It is a wonderful way to love ourselves in connection with the crystals, i love it!

Tinka and Aurel opened their hearts for our first krystalespiral ceremony. We offered crystals in a food forest, close to the city where Aurel and Tayfun are working with their business called Towards Nature. They do Permaculture LandScape Designs and Implementations, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. While we were doing the offering a cat came with an animal in his mouth, and stayed with us until the end... it was powerful and full of magic. Here, I am sharing with you some pictures of the School Garden design that they implemented in the middle of the city. It is an awesome playground with fruit trees, herbs and a place where kids can learn about permaculture on a daily basis. So inspiring!

Our second krystalespiral in Amsterdam was for the Spring Equinox. We shared songs, and words with Sita and her community. Sita is an incredible woman who connects people's hearts with devotion! She connected me with Michelle, who is now also carrying the krystalespiral prayer. Michelle has a space in Amsterdam called Mahara Holistic LifeStyle.

Michelle reminded me about the importance of surrender. We both have been guided in mysterious ways to be crystal carriers and water guardians. Our connection with Mount Shasta in California and the wisdom of harmonizing with light inspired our time together. I met her in person when we went to a concert of the singer Jennifer Ann; her music spreads the the message of openness.

Moving now to Northen Europe, I had the opportunity to visit Sweden.

We did a krystalespiral in Luleo at Magnus's house. Magnus is a Kundalini Yoga Practitioner and Teacher, who opened his house and heart to receive the wisdom of medicinal plants and ancestral traditions. My time in Luleo helped me to understand better the moment we are living now, called the union of all directions.

Yoga is now being spread in the world as a daily practice and different styles are emerging, i think that when ancestral teachings from all directions are being experienced in different ways, it´s important to consider the legacy and also the dynamic beings that we are right now and find the balance. My intention when i facilitate sweat lodges or ceremonies is to integrate.

For me this means that beyond a fixed statement of how things must be, i have found the balance by listening to every territory and its people. Like this we can create a unique experience that allow us to explore our creativity and at the same time honor the ancestral teachings.

Thanks for reading! :D Our next chapter will be about France, Grecee and the archetypes!

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