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Chile, Colombia and USA :D

Hello krystal carriers... here is a little update about the movement of the first semester of last year! We invite you to follow our route and reconnect with this beautiful people, projects and communities we visited :D

We started at Reserva Costera Mapu Lahual, X Región de Los Lagos, Chile. Our destination:: The Festival Nomade, Here we met amazing people from around the world and we had the beautiful experience of having a sweatlodge next to the ocean with the sound of Colombian Gaitas!! We stayed right on the beach overlooking the ocean with the mouth of a river flowing steadily into the sea.

When we were leaving, we offered a crystal to the flowing river in prayer and gratitude. We then headed to Hornopiren to the Turtle Island Ecovillage Center. We stayed for a week and buried a crystal next to the river flowing through the town. Then we went to visit Claudio Pincheira from Uniendo Culturas in Currahue, Chile. He and his love, Eva, were preparing their home to grow their family. Eva was 6 months pregnant at the time. We handed both of them crystals to carry and shared the intention for them to eventually plant them. After we left Claudio’s, we took a bus to stay with Mario and his wife. The day after we arrived, a caravan of 18 called Caravana por la Paz y la Restauracion de la Madre Tierra, came along to stay at their house with us.

Mario and his wife drove us to a permaculture gathering Red Eco-Chile where we made powerful heart connections. We shared the krystalespiral offering to the land and we received a prayer from Sümmümpawiün (AKA Mamo Lorenzo). When we left the gathering we headed to the permaculture school of our friend Cata named: EcoEscuela Vivencial: Quillota en Transicion . From here we went to Maria Pinto to reconnect with Raul Zagal, a wonderfull permaculture designer who teached us, and supported us in so many ways. We are so gratefull with all the community in Chile who open their space, heart and community for our prescence!!

By April and May we offer crystals around Colombia at the Tota Lake and the Oceta Paramo in Boyaca, in the company of Javi Silago Paramo a wonderful activist and permaculturist for the Regeneration and Protection of the Lake and its surroundings. Also our mama Lucy offered a beautiful quartz to the Guatanfur river in Manta where our family lives. In Granada Cundinamarca at the Varsana Ecovillage we planted a crystal next to the river and finally at the south of Colombia, in Narino we offer in gratitude with a group crystals at the end of the gathering TINKU RIWAY YUYAI "The time will come when all the races of the world will sit around the same fire." Grandfather Rodolfo Giagrekudo. Murui Indigenous Community - Colombian Amazon

By July we brought the prayer to North America by offering our loving thoughts and intentions to Lake Michigan. We planted the prayer of Sacred Union for the upcoming generations at the DownHomeFarm, our home in Kentucky once we returned from Michigan.

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