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Our Pilgrimage

Hi Family, we introduce ourselves as ambassadors of diverse missions, organizations and visions, traveling around America with a prayer named:


(( Our path is the spiral from the center we expand, our nature is the crystal carrying ancestral memories in our heart))

We are praying for the protection of the water with CantoalAgua. "Cantoalagua is an environmental and cultural movement that seeks to generate reflection in the population about water, its importance and it's problems.The central activity that characterized the initiative for 6 years, is the simultaneous meditation and intonation of the syllable "AH", sung with the energy of love, gratitude and compassion towards the waters of the planet"

We are offering crystals to the earth and carrying waters linking and connecting the different territories and their memories. We are listening the advice of the natives from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, who told us that is time for the crystal beings to go back on earth where they belong. "Atatatchie" is a Mhuysqa word that teach us about the basic principle of giving and receiving, and in reciprocity with nature, by giving we are receiving.

We are empowering our sisters around the world through circles based in ancestral traditions. A space for listening to each other, sharing songs, experiences, books, exercises and company. Co-creating a place to explore and express the creative potential of our womb, we will be inviting women and teenagers to no longer use tampons and pads, and replace them with healthy and ecological alternatives to recover our natural connection with nature and our cycles. ​

We are sharing the message and the experience of love and unity through music, yoga, dance, workshops, talking and singing circles. We are offering our sincere service through Dances of Universal Peace, thai, abdominal and womb massage, sacred sexuality breath exercises, sacred fire ceremonies, sweat lodges, and promoting tools and tips for self-healing and emotional awareness.

We will be offering in gratitude dance and movement with our campaign "Twerking for GAIA". Sharing that it is important as women to reclaim our power and energy in order to fulfill our purpose in serving nature, our brothers and sisters and the next generations. By dancing we remind the power within, we nourish our body and soul and we inspire women to love and enjoy life. According to ancestral and native cultures, dancing is the "sacrifice" (sacred action) to give thanks for everything we receive.

We are documenting all of this and investigating new speech for the co-creation of new paradigms. We are asking to people about art and also showing our personal growth as a result of having this transformational experiences.

We are inviting family from the world to join us and gather in May for the Retreat “TINKU RIWAY YUYAI ”. A gathering for the awakening of the memory, considering that the Andes are receiving all the energy from the Himalayas for the Feminine Awakening we invite the people to tune with the energy of this sacred mountain in the Andes gate placed in Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Please write us any of your insights and interest to

With infinite gratitude and love!

krystalespiral hummingbirds

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